Georgetown County Career Connections (GC3) is “one-stop career program” combines the resources of the community partners Helping Hands, A Father’s Place, Friendship Place and Palmetto Goodwill to give the unemployed and underemployed a “hands up” toward achieving independent, productive lives.
This collaborative strives for success through a four-step process of recruitment, job preparation, job placement and job advancement. In 2016 under the direction of John Bush, former executive director, Helping Hands initiated GC3 to promote the movement of individuals and families facing poverty due to unemployment or underemployment to stable full-time employment. Through this collaborative, unemployed adults are invited to participate in a week-long job employment skills training program.
Following employment, clients are offered a Career Path support program for navigating the personal changes and commitment required to move from poverty to self-sufficiency. During the COVID-19 Pandemic, GC3 career coaches transformed the face to face program to a virtual opportunity for those seeking a career.
GC3’s mission is to provide a network of support to help individuals, families and businesses to reach their full potential through training and career opportunities. Taking advantage of the resources and programs of the partner agencies, GC3 is committed to providing the skills and training needed by local employers that lead to living wage jobs for Georgetown County’s unemployed and underemployed. It aims to improve the quality of the workforce, reduce welfare dependency, and enhance the productivity and competitiveness of the region’s economy.
GC3 has partnered with a new industry to offer our employment skills training program for their new hires. We are very excited about this partnership and the possibilities it will lead to in 2021. For more information about GC3, reach out to Ronald McInnis.